воскресенье16 февраля 2025

Захватчики намерены создать центры отдыха на временно оккупированном Приазовье, сообщает Сопротивление.

Российские оккупационные власти представили проект застройки разрушенных Широкино и Мелекино курортными комплексами. Финансирование этой инициативы предполагается осуществить за счет инвесторов из Кремля.
Захватчики намерены создать центры отдыха на временно оккупированном Приазовье, сообщает Сопротивление.

The Russian occupation administration has unveiled a development plan for the destroyed areas of Shyrokine and Melekino, which were temporarily occupied by invaders. This information comes from the National Resistance Center, as reported by UNN.


It is noted that "European-level" recreation complexes are set to be constructed there. The funding for this construction plan will be covered by so-called future investors from the Kremlin.

The CNS also reported that recently, in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russians decided to redirect funds supposedly allocated for the reconstruction of housing destroyed by their own missiles towards yet another monument to terrorists. A memorial to the "liberators of Donbas" in the form of a 50-meter anchor is planned to be erected in the city center.


The occupation authorities have introduced a new requirement for receiving compensation for destroyed housing in Mariupol – an inventory of homes. However, this is impossible as more than 500 multi-story buildings have been completely demolished by the occupiers.