A military medic in Dnipropetrovsk is facing trial for allegedly taking 20,000 UAH for non-combat service in the rear.
Prosecutors from the Dnipro Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the Defense Sector of the Eastern Region have submitted an indictment to the court concerning a member of the military unit's Military Medical Commission.
https://dp.reporter.ua/articles/20-tis-grn-za-sluzhbu-u-tilovijj-chastini-na-dnipropetrovshhini-suditimut-vijjskovosluzhbovcja-medichnoyi-sluzhbi2025-01-30 10:14:41
He is accused of receiving unlawful benefits (Part 1 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Prosecutors have established that a senior lieutenant of the medical service received 20,000 UAH from a serviceman for declaring the latter fit for military service in support units, TCC, and training centers.