Friday14 March 2025

A 43-year-old man in Nikopol was charged by law enforcement for inserting his photos into someone else's documents.

On January 20, the police received a report about a suspicious man who approached a pawn shop and presented a Ukrainian passport that likely contained a photo that had been tampered with. A patrol unit from the Nikopol District Police Department was promptly dispatched to the scene. During their interaction with the officers, the individual produced nine additional counterfeit documents, all featuring the same photo on the first page. A investigative team was called to the scene, and the officers seized the documents for further examination.
Вставил свои фотографии в чужие документы: правоохранители Никополя сообщили 43-летнему злоумышленнику о подозрении.

It has been revealed that the offender was inserting his own photos into the found passports, which he had previously printed out.

On January 31, investigators informed the suspect about the charges against him for committing eighteen acts of a crime, as outlined in parts 1, 3, and 4 of Article 358 (forgery of an official document and use of a knowingly forged document) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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