Sunday16 February 2025

Police in Dnipro have arrested a 28-year-old man on suspicion of inflicting serious bodily harm on a local resident.

During a dispute, the assailant stabbed the victim. The 43-year-old resident of Dnipro made it to his home, where he succumbed to his injuries.
Полицейские Днепра задержали 28-летнего мужчину по подозрению в причинении тяжких телесных повреждений местному жителю.

On January 26, the police received a report about the discovery of a man’s body with injuries in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Dnipro. Law enforcement officials determined that a conflict had arisen between the victim and an unknown man on Myrna Street. During the altercation, the suspect inflicted severe bodily harm on the victim. The man succumbed to his injuries.

Officers from Police Department No. 4 of the Dnipro District Police Department No. 1, in collaboration with criminal analysis officers, located the whereabouts of the perpetrator. On January 27, the criminal police operatives apprehended the suspect in another district of Dnipro.

The man was detained under Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

On January 28, investigators informed the assailant of the suspicion under part 2 of Article 121 (intentional severe bodily harm causing the victim's death) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The man could face up to 10 years in prison for the crime committed. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.


Patrol officers in Zaporizhzhia returned an elderly man home, who had been reported missing by his wife;

In Dnipro, we detained a man likely involved in a murder;

Dnipro patrol officers discovered a drunk driver without a valid driver's license.