Wednesday12 February 2025

A suspect has been apprehended in Verkhnodniprovsk for attacking two brothers with a knife.

A conflict among relatives occurred on January 31 in the city of Verkhniodniprovsk, at the residence of three brothers. As a result of the dispute, the victims were hospitalized.
В Верхнеднепровске задержан подозреваемый, который напал с ножом на двух братьев.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk region reported this.

Law enforcement officials discovered that a quarrel occurred between the 43-year-old suspect and his twin brother because the relative was disturbing his rest. To resolve the conflict, the offender decided to use a knife. He stabbed his brother in the stomach several times. Hearing cries for help, another brother rushed into the room. However, the aggressive man attacked him with the knife as well.

The suspect was detained under Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. He has now been informed of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense under part 1 of Article 121 (intentional serious bodily harm).