Monday10 February 2025

Police in Dnipropetrovsk have uncovered a criminal scheme involving fake marriages with individuals with disabilities, used by conscripts to illegally cross the border.

Police have determined that residents of Dnipro are involved in the illegal activities. The mastermind behind the scheme enlisted former officials from one of the civil registration departments in the city, who had access keys to the State Register of Civil Status Acts.
Фиктивный брак с лицами с инвалидностью: полиция Днепропетровщины раскрыла преступную схему пересечения границы военнообязанными.

The individuals involved were offering conscripts the opportunity to enter into sham marriages with people with disabilities. Subsequently, these men could cross the state border without any issues, while the women later returned to Ukraine.

After this, the perpetrators entered false information regarding the dissolution of marriages into the State Register of Civil Status Acts.


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